How do I run a vehicle cost report?

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The following article explains where to find and run the Vehicle Cost Report and how to make the best use of it.

More Information

Go to " Vehicle Costings Reports Vehicle Cost Report".

  • Here you will see a "Report Range" screen with the following options:
    • From and To Date
    • From and To Vehicle
    • From and To Category
    • Mode
    • Output
    • Include Trailers
    • Use Period Earnings

From and To Date

Enter the Start and End Date for the Vehicle Costs that you want.

Leaving this blank will include all costings for all dates.

From and To Vehicle

If you want to narrow the report down to a single vehicle, or a range of vehicles, enter the first vehicle number on which to report into the "From" field, and the last vehicle number into the "To" field. Make these the same vehicle if you just want the information for that vehicle.

Leaving this blank will include costings for all vehicles.

From and To Category

If you want to narrow the report down to a single category, or a range of categories, enter the first category on which to report into the "From" field, and the last category into the "To" field. Make these the same category if you just want the information for that category.

Leaving this Blank will include costings for all categories.


Allows the options of 'Summary' or 'Detailed'. A summarized report will print just one line for each category under a particular vehicle, and just print the first line of period earnings description, whereas a detailed report will give details of each transaction within a category, and print all lines of period earnings description.


This is simply a selection for either a screen view (good for a quick view of costings) or a print.

Include Trailers

This is an option (Yes or No) as to whether you wish to include trailers in this report or not.

Use Period Earnings

This is an option (Yes or No) to include any Period earnings or not. Any applicable vehicle costings will appear at the start of each vehicle's report entry, and a profit total will be printed each vehicle, deducting costs from earnings.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
vehicle, trailer, cost, costings