How do I Print a List of all my Unreceived Purchase Orders
The following article explains how to print a list of all orders on your system that have an unreceived amount on them.
More Information
Go to " Purchase Order Processing Order Reports Purchase Order Reports Orders in Progress".
This will print a report for all live orders and shows the following:
Ord No Code Acc Name Stk Code Stk Desc Qty Received Not Rec. 1235 POP001 Unalloc Ord Acc TP 1 Test Part One 1 50.00 TP 2 Test Part Two 1 50.00 TP 3 Test Part Three 1 50.00
Additional Information
If you want to restrict the range of the report, go to " Purchase Ordering Order Reports Purchase Order Reports Alter Range of Reports".
From here you can set ranges for the following items:
- Account Start\End
- Group (Account Group)
- Stock Start\End
- Group (Stock Group)
- Depot Start\End
- Value of Orders Over
Choose the ranges that are appropriate for the report you want, and then press <Esc> to exit from here, and then select the report that you want. The ranges that you have chosen will be applied to any of the reports that you run.
See also