How do I deal with sale or return parts?
If you choose to hold parts on a Sale or Return basis this article offers a guide to how to stock the items, return any unsold items and report your sales to the supplier of the goods so they can issue you with a purchase invoice.
More Information
These instructions assume you have the Order Processing module.
Create the Parts on your system
You will need to create any items which don't already exist on your system. You should also mark the Sale or Return items using an Analysis Code to make it easier to produce reports for the Sale or Return items only e.g. S - SOR Items.
Go to " Stock Control Add or Edit Stock Items".
- Follow these instructions to search for an item to avoid creating duplicate stock records.
- Follow this article to create a new item.
- Follow these instructions to attach an analysis code to the items. If a suitable code does not already exist you will need to create it at this point.
Create a Purchase Order
Go to " Purchase Order Processing Add/Edit/Process Purch. Orders".
- Follow this article to create your Purchase Order.
- Make sure the cost price you enter is the price at which you have agreed to purchase them.
- Follow this article to book the items into stock.
- Do not post a purchase invoice or mark them as Invoice Received at this stage.
The items will now be in stock and ready for sale.
Report on Sales
At the end of each Financial Month or at a date agreed with the supplier, you should produce a stock sales report for the Sale or Return items.
Go to " Stock Control Stock Reports History Reports".
- Select 'Stock Sales Summary'.
- Select 'Screen' or 'Print' from the "Print/display" drop down menu.
- Enter the "Date" range for the report.
- Enter the Supplier's account code in the "Supplier" field or search for their account code.
- If you have given your Sale or Return items an analysis code click the [Analysis range] tab and enter the code in the relevant slot.
- Click [Start] to produce the report.
![]() | You should let your supplier know your sales quantities. They can then send a Purchase Invoice for your accounts department to process and match against the Purchase Order. |
Process any Returns to the Supplier
If you return any unsold items you will need to go back to the purchase order to un-receive them.
Go to " Purchase Order Processing Add/Edit/Process Purch. Orders".
- Enter the Supplier Account Code, or search for the Supplier.
- Select the Order to process.
- Press <F7> to go to the Order Items.
Returning whole quantities
- If you are returning the whole quantity simply press <T> to tag the items to be returned.
- Select [Unreceive] to book the items out of stock.
- The system will print a Goods Received Note, which should be kept until the goods are collected or sent back.
- Click [Remove] to take the 'Tagged' items off the Purchase Order.
Returning partial quantities
- On "Stock Code", enter the code of the item to be returned.
- On "Quantity", enter the number of items to be returned to the supplier as a negative figure. For example, if 4 need to be returned, then enter '-4'.
- Repeat this process until all items have been entered which need to be returned to the supplier.
- Move the cursor to the left of the last part number in the list.
- Press <A> to tag all the items in the list being sent back to the supplier.
![]() | Make sure you check that the price, quantity and part number are correct. |
- Press <F4> to "receive" the lines on the order, which in effect will reduce your stock by the quantity shown. Receiving a negative quantity will book the items out of stock.
- Press <Enter> on the "Tagged Items Found" window.
- Press the [Receive] button and enter the supplier 'Returns number' or a 'meaningful comment'.
- The system will print a Goods Received Note, which should be kept until the goods are collected or sent back.
Process the Purchase Invoice
Your accounts department should post their invoice as normal and allocate it to the items on the order.
- Where an item has been partially returned they should allocate the invoice to both lines on the order. The nett amount should equal the amount they are allocating.
See also
- How do I find a stock code?
- Creating a stock item
- Creating a purchase order
- How do I find a supplier?
- Processing a Purchase Order
- How do I Allocate an Invoice to a Purchase Order?