How do I run a manual upload to Catalyst Findit?

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This article explains how to upload manually to Catalyst FindIt.

More Information

Catalyst FindIt is set to upload to the data server when the first user logs in each morning. If a user cancels this upload, or during the working day you make significant changes to your parts or unit stock, you may wish to run a manual upload.

Go to " Reports & Settings Maintenance Options Platinum O and Catalyst FindIt"

  • Click [Upload Database and Images].

Alternatively go to " Unit Sales Maintenance Options Upload to Catalyst FindIt".

Once the upload has finished you will be able to exit the menus.

Uploading to Catalyst FindIt is subject to our fair use policy. Please see Terms.
If you are not on the latest version of Platinum Software you may find the automatic upload to FindIt will only happen if there has not been an upload in the last 24 hours. To make sure you are on the latest version of Platinum please see Downloading a Platinum update.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
units, catalyst findit, appear, findit, advertising, website, data feed, classifieds, upload, data server, manual upload, force upload
