Posting payments received

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The following article outlines how to post payments received from a customer using the " Receipts" option of the Sales Ledger.

More Information

Go to " Sales Ledger Receipts".

  • At "Customer" enter the customer's account code if known, or search for a customer.
  • You may enter a specific "Document" number or press <Enter> to display all outstanding items.
  • Arrow key up or down the list to the item to mark as paid.
  • Press <F> and <Enter> if you have received payment in full.
    • If the document has a settlement discount an <S> will appear at the top of the screen. Press <S> and the settlement amount will be calculated for you. If the settlement has expired, a warning will be shown so that you can decide whether still to allow the discount or not!
    • If the customer has incurred credit charges a <C> will appear at the top of the screen. Press <C> to apply the additional charge as the customer should have paid the full balance including the charge. The system will post an adjustment for the difference.
    • If you are not receiving the whole amount, <P> for Part Payment or click into the "Payment" column and enter the amount received.
    • If you wish to apply a discount e.g. to write off the odd penny under or overpayment by the customer, move across the screen to the discount column. Enter the amount of discount you are receiving or giving.
  • Repeat the appropriate process for all the items related to the payment that you have received.
The bottom right hand side of your screen will show "Total Payments". Ensure this agrees exactly to the payment you have received before proceeding.
  • On the [Payment] tab enter the date you have received the payment.
  • Enter the cheque number or a comment e.g. 'D/D', 'BACS' or 'ALLOCATED' (if you are taking a credit against an invoice).
  • Make sure the payment centre is correct.
    • If the customer has paid by cash the centre should usually be 'Z900' - Cash.
    • If they pay by cheque, the centre should usually be 'Z901' - Cheque.
    • If they pay by credit card, the centre should usually be 'Z902' - Credit Card.
    • If they pay direct to your bank, the centre should usually be 'Z992' - Current Bank Account.
You may press <Ctrl+F1> to search for a payment (Nominal) centre.
The centres used here for Cash, Cheque and Credit Card should only be used for money received from customers. The Cash centre can be used for refunds to customers if the money has come out of the till, and the Credit Card centre can be used for refunds to a customer's card. If you refund by cheque, then this should be done by the accounts department, and the centre used should be the bank account centre (Z992 is the Platinum default).
  • Click [Done] and [Accept] to post the payment.
  • If a settlement discount has been given the system will now print a Credit Note to account for the discount given. Check the document then accept the printout.
If you wish to print a receipt at this point please Contact your Platinum dealer or our support team on 0116 230 1500 or by using our website support contact page as this option may need enabling.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
posting, payments, refunds, discount, settlement, cheques, contra, paying, customers, pay, receipts, customer payment, post payment, money in, income, credit charge