How do I set a workshop job status automatically when I order parts?

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The following article explains how to set the job status automatically when you order parts for the Workshop.

More Information

If you need to order parts for a workshop job, Platinum can set the job status automatically so you can easily see from the diary screen that the job is waiting for parts to be ordered/delivered.


Go to " Workshop Maintenance Options Parameters General Job Parameters (1)".

  • Cursor down to the "Items Pending Status".
  • Enter your status code for 'Parts Ordered' or press <Ctrl-F1> to search for it.
Tip:  If a status doesn't exist then you can create one. Click here for more details.
  • Press <Esc> or click [Exit] to come out of the parameters.

In Use

Now you have set the parameter, whenever you order parts in the workshop, the status will change automatically to the status that you have chosen.

See Also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
Auto, Automatic, Status, Backorder, Workshop, Job,