How do I print an aged debtor or creditor list?

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Printing an Aged Debtors List

Go to "Sales Ledger" -> "Aged Debtors Listing"

  • To print a list for all debtors, click <Print>.
  • To select a range of accounts or to choose one account, enter the first account to print in the "From Account" field and the "Last Account" to print in the To Account field (bear in mind any accounts falling between these codes will be included in the range).
    • You also have the option to specify a particular "Group" of accounts.
  • Click <Print> to print the debt list.

The debts shown will be as at today's date. You have the option to print a debtors listing as at the end of the current financial period, which is useful for checking the Sales Control account at the month end. Just before you print the debt list:

  • Select the <Calculational> Tab.
  • Set "Ignore Documents Beyond Current Accounting Period" to 'Y' for yes.
  • Click <Print> to print the debt list. The heading on the print out will read Aged Debt List At DD/MM/CCYYY.

Printing an Aged Creditors List

Go to "Purchase Ledger" -> "Aged Creditors Listing"

  • To print a list for all creditors, click <Print>
  • To select a range of accounts or to choose one account, enter the first account to print in the "From Account" field and the "Last Account" to print in the To Account field (bear in mind any accounts falling between these codes will be included in the range).
    • You also have the option to specify a particular "Group" of accounts.
  • Click <Print> to print the creditors list.

The creditors shown will be as at today's date. You have the option to print a creditors listing as at the end of the current financial period, which is useful for checking the Purchase Control account at the month end. Just before you print the creditors list:

  • Select the <Calculational> Tab.
  • Set "Ignore Documents Beyond Current Accounting Period" to 'Y' for yes.
  • Click <Print> to print the creditors list. The heading on the print out will read Aged Debt List At DD/MM/CCYYY.

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Keywords AND Misspellings
debtors, creditors, print aged debt list, print creditor list