How do I View or Amend my Stock Optimisation Settings?

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Stock Optimisation is used to calculate your stocking requirements. The settings you enter will help the system to calculate your Maximum and Reorder levels to ensure you hold the most accurate levels of stock when running a reorder report.

More Information

To view and amend the settings go to " Reports & Settings Maintenance Options System Administrator Platinum Settings"

  • Select Stock Control from the "Module" drop down menu.
  • In "Search on" type 'OPT' and click [Search].
  • The current settings are shown in the "New Value" column.
  • To alter a setting select the line and click [Edit].
  • Enter the new value and click [OK].

The different options are explained below:

Min/Max Stock (Days)

These settings specify how many days worth of stock you would prefer to hold e.g.enough to last between 7 and 21 days.

Average Sale (Days)

To check the average sales over a period you can specify a number of days to check e..g if you want to make sure you stock items that sell at least once every 30 days then you would enter 30 here.

Stock History and Trends

You may specify how many years history to use when calculating your ideal stock levels.

The trends that occur over the period can be taken into account e.g. increased sales of clothing over the summer months or increased sales of service parts over the winter months.


You may exclude erratic sales and specify the percentage sales quantity which you would deem an erratic sale.

Enter as a percentage how much larger than normal the quantity sold has to be to qualify as erratic e.g. 500%.

Lead Times

To take into account supplier lead times this should be set to 'Yes'. This will ensure you order levels are set high enough to cover the gap between sales and deliveries.

To exit this screen click [Done]. If you have made any changes these will be summarised on screen.

  • Click [Accept] to save your changes.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
Stock, Reorder, Re-Order, Parameters, Settings, Order, formula, formulae, minimum, maximum, level, levels, optimisation, optimization, optimise, erratic, sales history, trends, purchase