How do I receive stock by barcode?

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This article explains how to book Stock items into Platinum with the use of a Barcode Scanner

More Information

Go to " Systems Purchase Ordering Goods receiving".

  • Using a Barcode Scanner scan the barcode of the item to be received and the system will find the item plus its related order and add this to the "Received Items".
  • Once you have finished scanning your items Click [Receive]

Explanation of Key

Here we will explain what each of the different colours mean on the items line and how this will affect the process.

Single Order

These items are on a single purchase order and the system has found this for you, the order number will also show in the "Order".

  • When you click on [Receive] you will get an "Item Summary" that shows the total of received items. Once this had been checked click [OK].
  • You will then get a "History Notes" box asking you to enter a note relevant to the order.
Tip:  We generally recommend that you enter the delivery note number here.
  • The system will then print a delivery note and labels for the items (if your system is configured to do so).


These Items are on more than one order and the system will ask you to specify which orders the items you are booking in are related to

  • when you click the [Receive] you will get a selection box with 2 options.


  • This will pop up a box called "Item Allocation". Here you will be able to enter amounts in the "Received" column.
Tip:  There is a received and "allocated" section at the top. Idea being to reduce the "unallocated" column to zero
  • The orders number will also show in the "Order" once allocated.
  • When you click on [Receive] you will get an "Item Summary" that shows the total of received items. Once this had been checked click [OK].
  • You will then get a "History Notes" box asking you to enter a note relevant to the order.
Tip:  We generally recommend that you enter the delivery note number here.
  • The system will then print a delivery note and labels for the items (if your system is configured to do so).


This option will Receive in any Green items and will follow the process in the section above and will leave the Yellow and Red items so the [Allocate] Button can be used


This simply cancels in case you have pressed [Receive] by mistake

No Orders

These items are ones that for some reason are not on an order at all on the system.

Press[Receive] Next you will again get the same [Allocate], [Receive] and [Cancel] choices as in the steps above.

  • Click [Allocate] this will bring up a "Purchase Order Search".
  • If you cannot find the required order his press <Esc>.
  • You will then get a "No Order Chosen" box where the system will ask you 'No Order was chosen to add to. A new basic order will be created. Confirm to continue' and will ask to click either [Yes], [No] or [Cancel]


  • Here you will get an "Item Summary" that shows the total of received items. Once this had been checked click [OK].
  • You will then get a "History Notes" box asking you to enter a note relevant to the order.
Tip:  We generally recommend that you enter the delivery note number here.
  • The system will then print a delivery note and labels for the items (if your system is configured to do so).


Will take you back to the "Purchase Order Search" screen to look for the order again


This simply cancels in case you have pressed [Allocate] by mistake

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
receive, receiving, recieving, recieve, barcode, scan, scanner