How do I change the order of columns?

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Revision as of 12:49, 9 August 2013 by Richard Green (talk | contribs) (See also)
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This article explains how to rearrange the order of columns on the GUI screens in Platinum.

More Information

  • In any of the GUI Platinum screens where there are columns of data, click and hold the left mouse button on a column you want to move.
  • Drag the mouse along the row of existing columns towards where you want this tab to be. You will notice a thick line between the tabs to indicate where you are dragging the tab to.
  • Release the left mouse button to set the position.
Tip:  The order in which you place the columns is set for each user, so if you log into Platinum on another PC it will keep the order of columns you have set.
  • If you have changed the order of the columns and want to reset them back to the standard settings, please follow the article here.
PLEASE NOTE:  Changing the order of columns for a user may result in macros not running correctly if you are moving between fields in the columns.
  • You can also change the width of columns by positioning the mouse cursor between two columns then press and hold the left mouse button and drag the cursor left to make the column smaller or right to make the column larger.
  • You can hide columns by resizing the column to its smallest size.
  • If you have hidden a column and are unable to find it, please follow the details in the article here to restore the columns to their system defaults.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
reorder, rearrange, move, columns, position
