Why does my Debt List show a Customer with a zero Balance?

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This article explains why you might see customers appearing on your debt list with a zero balance and how to deal with these.

More Information

Printing an Aged Debtors List

Follow the article here for details on how to print your Aged Debtors List.

There are two possible reasons why the account might be shown with a zero balance.

  • If payments on account have been posted, these will show as Unallocated items, whilst the invoices will be shown in their Debt Period, and the items will need to be allocated together using the " Receipts" programme in the usual way.
  • If an item has been put on hold for the account, for example because it is under query, there is a setting on the " Aged Debtors List" that defines whether these documents are shown as an outstanding balance. The item may still be under query legitimately, and it may therefore be valid to have the zero balance. Should you wish to see these items on the Aged Debtors List, simply go to the [Calculational] tab and change the "Exclude held documents from periods debt" in the "Calculation Settings" to 'No'.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
debtors, aged debt list, zero balance