What Parts do I Need to Order?

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This article explains how to check and order any parts that you need either for customers or for stock replenishment.

Additional Information

Platinum will tell you what to order by checking whether the stock level has fallen below the reorder level. The reorder level can be set manually or calculated using various parameters. The stock level for comparison here can be set by using a formula - the standard system uses a formula of "Shelf Stock + Purchase Orders not received - Customer Orders not fulfilled". This is sometimes referred to as Free Stock In Transit.

To run a reorder report you will need to go to "Stock Control" -> "Reordering" -> "Reorder Report".

This will display a range screen that lets you search for specific items of stock for reordering.

  • On the reorder report it is possible to show the sales history of each stock line month by month. At the "History:" enter the number of months to be displayed or enter '0' for no History (this option will speed up the report).
  • "Depot:" This will show your default depot. You should not need to change this.
  • "Supplier:" You can check what you need to order from a specific supplier by entering their supplier code here. You can always search for the supplier if you do not knwo the code.
  • "Group:" You can check what you need to order in a particular stock group, e.g. HEL (for helmets), WHE (Wheels)... or leave it blank for all stock groups.
  • "Stock From:" and "To:" You can enter a range of stock codes to check what needs to be reordered in a range of stock items.
  • "Round Up Quantities :" The reorder report can round up the stock quantities to the nearest whole figure. This is useful if fractions of stock items are used - an example here might be bulk oil in a workshop. Set this to 'Y' if this applies.

Viewing the Reorder Report

  • Once all choices for the report have been set, press <F5> to view the report on the screen. The system will calculate what items need to be reordered and will display the results on the screen.
  • Items will be shown in different colours. Using the standard colour scheme, you will see items in black: these are items that need replenishing; you will see items in blue: these are items that have orders outstanding for customers.
  • You can change the recommended order quantity for each item by moving to the right hand column of the screen and typing over the figure shown here.
  • Press <S+F2> to view outstanding orders for the item at which you are pointing.
  • Press <S+F4> to view stock statistics for this item. This is a handy way to see the usage of this item.
  • Press <F5> to pick out the items you want to order. An asterix will appear against the item at which you are pointing.
  • Press <F6> to create or add items to purchase orders.

Printing the Reorder Report

  • If you want to print the report, press <F2>.

The Reorder report will show the user who ran the report, the time and the date of the report. It will then list down the stock items that are to be ordered. It will show the:

  • Stock Code.
  • Stock Description.
  • Current Stock Levels.
  • The recommended quantity of items to be ordered.
  • The Cost price of the quantity of items to be ordered. This figure will be totalled at the bottom of the column.
  • The Supplier code of the item.
  • The Supplier's stock code for that item if different from the stock code stored in the system.
  • the stock item location.

Having printed the report, you can either create purchase orders manually as you see fit, or go back to the "Viewing the Reorder Report" section above and choosing the items that you want to order from that list.

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Keywords AND Misspellings
stock order, reorder