How do I print and email a PDF?

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The following article explains how to create a print record to allow you to print to a PDF document and attach it directly to an blank email in your email program ready for you to enter the subject on content.

PLEASE NOTE : This link relies on their being valid emails filled in on you customer/supplier accounts. If the email is missing the link will still create the PDF and attach it but the email address will be blank. For help installing and setting up the PDF995 Program please refer to the How do I Setup Printing to PDF in Platinum? article in the See also section at the bottom of this article.
WARNING : It is important to have a PDF file viewer installed on you PC if you don't have one already. One of the most popular is the Adobe Acrobat Reader available for download here -

Setting up the Platinum Print Record

  • Go to "Options" -> "Printing" or Press <Alt+P>
  • This will bring up the "Print Record Override" box by pressing <F1> to move through the print records find you first available print record number (e.g. 05)
  • Type in the next free number you have found (e.g. 06) and press <Shift+F10>
  • This will bring ask if you want to [Create] a new record [Copy] An existing one or [Re-enter] the record number, Left Click [Copy]
  • Type in the Print Record field 01, this will create a print record with you selected number that is an exact copy of print record 1 (The Windows Default printer)
  • Arrow key down to the "Name" Field and type PDF TO EMAIL PRINTER
  • Arrow key down to the "Print Device" Field and edit the line to read WIN:PDF995
  • Arrow key down to the "Faxed/Email/SMS Output" and set this to P
  • Press <Esc> [Accept]

Printing a Platinum Document to PDF and Attaching to an email

  • when you are for example printing a report, get yourself to the point where the next button you press would normally print press <Alt+P>
  • Type in the number of the PDF PRINTER record (e.g. 05) or press <F1> to get to that number
  • Press <Enter>
  • Then press appropriate key to print (e.g. in a report <F2>
  • This will go through exactly the same process as a normal print (i.e. you will see the normal "Printer Status" box)
  • If you have the Free version of PDF995 the sponsor box will appear for approx 10 seconds and a smaller add box will appear advertising other Software995 products. This can be closed.
  • A Blank email will then open up with the email address and document attached allowing you to over type the subject and fill in the content of the email.

See also

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