How do I Post a Petty Cash Receipt?

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On occasion, you will need to purchase miscellaneous items, eg, milk, a yard brush etc and you wouldn't want to specifically create a Supplier for each and every petty cash receipt you want to post. The following article explains in detail the approved method for dealing with petty cash receipts.


  • First of all create a supplier called Petty Cash.
  • Press <Done> and <Accept>.
  • This account will be used for all miscellaneous purchases, rather than creating individual accounts every time.

In Detail

  • When you need to post a miscellaneous receipt into Platinum, Post the invoice in the usual manner to the petty cash account created in the section above.
  • In the Document No: field, enter in the invoice number from the receipt. If it has no invoice number, generally it is advised to use the date in reverse.
  • In the Invoice Description: field, enter something descriptive for the posting, eg B&Q - Brush etc. This will make traceability easier later when viewing Supplier History.
  • In the Payment Nominal Centre, enter the relevant Cash in Hand centre, usually Z991. This will pay off the Invoice automatically to save you going into Payments and paying the supplier separately.
  • In the Cost Centre:, enter in the relevant centre attributing to the invoice, eg; Cleaning, Canteen etc.