Aged Debt Letter Configuration - Accounts Document

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The Platinum System allows the layout of Sales Debt Chasing Letters to be configured to print the details you require. This is done using a system of "tokens" which represent the items you wish to print, and their positions on the Document.

Token File Names

The layout files are stored in the 'SXCo1\Docs' folder, (or 'SXCo2', 'SXCo3', etc).

Four different letters may be produced depending on the age of the debt.

Letter to accounts with only a current month balance.
Letter to accounts with a balance not older than month 1.
Letter to accounts with a balance not older than month 2.
Letter to accounts with a month 3 or older balance.


General Tokens

(30 characters)
Customers Company Name
(5 lines x 30 characters)
Customers Address
(40 characters)
Account Notes
(30 characters)
Date - Long Format
(11 characters)
Account Balance
(11 characters)
Unallocated Amount
(25 characters)
Current Balance
(11 characters)
Period 1 Balance
(11 characters)
Period 2 Balance
(11 characters)
Period 3 Balance
(11 characters)
Credit Limit
(12 characters)
Current Period Description
(12 characters)
Period 1 Description
(12 characters)
Period 2 Description
(12 characters)
Period 3 Description
(10 characters)
Date - Short Format
(30 characters)
Company Name Line 1
(30 characters)
Company Name Line 2
(30 characters)
Company Address Line 1
(30 characters)
Company Address Line 2
(30 characters)
Company Address Line 3
(30 characters)
Company Address Line 4
(30 characters)
Company Address Line 5
(3 characters)
Platinum User Code
(30 characters)
Platinum User Name
(6 characters)
Customer Account Code
~89 Space Compression

Turn space compression on and off (default). Multiple spaces on a line will be compressed down into one space.

Currency Conversions

Platinum "Elite" systems only. "Solo" systems will need to be upgraded to "Elite", contact your Platinum dealer or our sales team on (0116) 230 1500 or by using our website sales contact page for your upgrade path.

All tokens that return a currency amount may now be modified to convert that amount into a different currency before printing. This is done by using a currency modifier after the token number but before any parameters. This modifier begins with a special symbol and may optionally be followed by a number and/or a three character currency code.

To get the relevant currency symbol to print on a document, the symbols '$' and '#' (hash symbol, but may have been misprinted as a pound sign) are used immediately after the token that you wish the currency conversion to take place. Using the '#' will suppress the printing of the currency symbol. This can be useful when printers don't have relevant symbols for some currencies.

Unless the relevant currency required is set up against the base rate in Currency Maintenance, no conversion will take place. Also, the customer needs to be correctly flagged for the appropriate Country.

The number part of the modifier may be used to specify the maximum number of characters to print. Some currencies may involve quite large amounts and this number can be used to make sure there is enough room to print them. The three character currency code specifies which currency to convert the amount to. This may be omitted, in which case the currency specified for the account associated with the letter being printed will be used, if there is one.

Some examples using '~29,1' amount taxed at first tax rate. Note that '~29' may not represent an amount in all document formats. This is just an example.
no conversion
'*100.00' - (where * is your usual currency symbol).
convert to the account currency (if there is one)
'1005.18F' - (e.g. French Francs.)
convert to account currency and print to a width of 12
convert to currency USD (US Dollar)
convert to currency USD (US Dollar) and target to whole dollar units if within 2 cents. This feature is useful if you want to display values with the cents/pennies rounded away. For example if displaying in dollars then the number in brackets represents the maximum number of cents over or under a dollar within which the conversion will target to a whole dollar. For 02 within the brackets then $1.98, $1.99, $2.00, $2.01, $2.02 will all display as $2.00.
same, but suppress the symbol and print to a width of 12

Country/Currency Tokens

There is a group of tokens that may be used in headers and footers to print details about the country and currency set up for the account associated with the document.

(3 characters)
Country code/description for the document.

If the account in use has a specific country associated with it this will be used, otherwise the system default country will be output.

n = 0
Output the country code.
n = 1
(30 characters)
Output the country description.
(12 characters)
Exchange rate from base currency to account currency
(15 characters)
Sub-units of the currency set for this account
(15 characters)
Units of the currency set for this account
(30 characters)
Name of the currency set for this account
(3 characters)
Code of the currency set for this account
~298 Skip block until next ~298

Should be used in pairs on a line. Everything between them is blanked out if there is no currency set for this account

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Keywords AND Misspellings
Layout, Token, Format, Document, Setup, Config, Configuration, Debt, Letter