JB01 - Job number / Standard job code (Unit Workshop Data Import variable)

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JB01{J/S, S/J}


If importing to the standard jobs file this variable should be the first one declared in your template, as it determines the destination of all the other variables.

If importing to the main job file you can either target a job by sequence number (the default), or by job number. When dealing with native Platinum systems the two will usually be the same. The latter will be of most use when importing from third party workshop systems where job numbers have already been established and they need to be assigned to records on the Platinum job file.

If importing to the standard jobs file, then this variable must be provided, in part to set the flag to indicate that the standard jobs file is your target, and in part to indicate the standard job's eight character code.

This variable is applicable to both the main Workshop Job File and the Standard Jobs File.


A text parameter that can be omitted (it defaults to "J").
Import to the main job file.
Import to the standard jobs file.
A text parameter that can be omitted (it defaults to "S").
Job sequence.
Job number.


A text value whose typical size is 8 characters.