JB08 - Status code / Description / PDI job flag (Unit Workshop Data Import variable)

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If importing to the main job file, indicates the job status. You can also supply the status description which will be used to create the status if it does not already exist on the target system, or to rewrite the status if the status does exist.

If importing to the standard jobs file, indicates whether the job is classed as a "PDI Job" or not, using "Y" to indicate a PDI job, or "N" not (1 character).

This variable is applicable to both the main Workshop Job File and the Standard Jobs File.


A text parameter that can be omitted (it defaults to "C").
Job status code.
Job Status Description. Only really applies if you are specifying status codes which do not already exist on your files; or you wish to change the description of statuses you do have on file. The width may need increasing to be up to 30 characters if the description is being imported.


A text value whose typical size is 3 characters.