Do I have to remember all these customer and supplier codes?

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No, we provide a very effective search system that lets you find the code from as little as part of one word of the name.

More Information

Each customer and supplier in Platinum has an unique 6 character code which is entered when you want use details from that account.

We realise that remembering codes is not an easy thing so we have developed our 'aggression' technology that will search the customers and suppliers for the details you type.

  • The account code can always be entered if known.
  • If you type the code in using the wrong case e.g. 'abc001' instead of 'ABC001' Platinum will use 'ABC001'.
  • A Search is carried out on the name, previous name, postcode or account reference. If you type beyond the 6 characters when entering an account code, Platinum will automatically accept a larger field allowing you type specific details for the company you are looking for.

How do I Search?

When in Platinum anywhere you can get to an account code field you can get to a search. This is done by either clicking the "Magnifying Glass" button on the Platinum screen (next to [Exit], [Proceed] etc) or by pressing <Ctrl+F1>.

A search box will appear with a "Search on:" field. This is where you enter the name you wish to search for e.g. 'Jones' for "Mr Jones". This will bring up a list of all the accounts that include the word "Jones".

If you need to search for something other than the name, for example the telephone number this can be entered in the "Filter:" box. This searches a wider range of fields. Please note due to this these searches can take a little longer.

The search will find accounts by their old names as well as it is possible for companies to change their company name. The last three name changes will be remembered for each customer and supplier and used in the search.

When a single match is found, it will be selected automatically. If this is not the customer/supplier you were looking for simply press <Ctrl+F1> to re-start your search. Enter the name again and click [Add] to create a new account.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
customer, supplier, find, finding, search, searching, aggression