How do I make a purchase ledger posting with multiple centres?

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The following article explains how to post Purchase invoices that require more than a single purchase centre. A good example of this would be an invoice from a supplier which has both items and carriage on it, and you want to split the items and the carriage to different areas in the Nominal Ledger.

More Information

  • Go to " Purchase Ledger Purchase Ledger Postings"
  • Move to "Invoice/Credit/Op. Bal.:".
  • Select 'I' to post an 'Invoice', or 'C' to post a 'Credit Note'. Only when you are setting up the system from scratch should you need to use 'O' for Opening Balance.
  • At "Account:", type in the supplier's account code if known, or search for a supplier.
  • At "Document No:" enter the invoice or credit note number.
This field is 8 characters long so if the number you have is longer than this, make sure you enter the last 8 characters only.
  • At "Date:", enter the date shown on the invoice.
If this is a late invoice and you have already closed the month to which it relates, post it with a date of the 1st of the next month you are going to close.
  • At "Description:", enter a description that relates to the invoice you are posting. This is what you will see when you view " Supplier History".
  • For any document that relates to a vehicle or vehicles, ideally the stock number of the vehicle or vehicles wants to go in here.
  • For invoices relating to parts, accessories or clothing, the purchase order number wants to go in here.
  • The reason to enter the vehicle stock number or the purchase order number is that it makes reconciling the Nominal Ledger balances much simpler.
  • For all other items, it should be used to identify the nature of the transaction, e.g. 'Rent', 'Stationery', 'Fuel'.

If you leave this field blank, the system will default the supplier code and invoice number here.

  • Move to the Values section at the lower part of the screen. Here you can enter the Net amount at V.A.T. Rate 1 (Current Standard Rate) then press <F3>. The program will work out the V.A.T. for you.
Check that the V.A.T. shows the same figure as the invoice or credit note. Occasionally you will see small differences, but the figure on the document is that which you should use.
If the invoice has a Settlement on it then the V.A.T. will be the appropriate amount depending on the Settlement percentage. Carry on filling in the Net amounts at any other applicable V.A.T. Rates. When you have finished, check the total amounts agree to the invoice.
  • At "Centre:", when you need more than one centre for the document, press <F2>. This will bring up the "Multiple Centre" Window.
  • Enter the first Purchase centre code and its value. You can search for the Purchase Centres that you want.
  • Click [Add] to enter the next Purchase centre, and repeat as necessary.
Note: At the bottom right of the Multiple Centre box, you will see two values, "Total" and "Unallocated". The "Total" value is the Nett total of the invoice, and the "Unallocated" value is the amount still left to be split between the relevant purchase centres. Until you have allocated the whole of the Nett total of the invoice, you will not be able to exit from here.
  • Once you have allocated the purchase centres and values as necessary, press <Esc> or click [Close] to exit from here.
  • Check that the invoice total, Nett and V.A.T. values are correct and then press <Esc>.
  • On the bottom right of your screen is the Purchase Ledger number, which is the unique transaction reference for this invoice. Write this number on the actual invoice as your reminder that it has been posted on the system, and so that you can find it easily.
  • Click [Accept] to save the posting and move onto the next.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
purchase, invoice, posting, multi, multiple, cost, centre
