Why are my dashboards not available on Platinum Online?

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This article explains how to resolve the "Dashboards are currently unavailable" message appearing in Platinum Online.

More Information

It can sometimes take a short but significant time to collate the information required to show the various graphs and charts in the dashboards in Platinum. For this reason Platinum now pre-gathers this information and periodically keeps it up date in the Platinum "data cache". If this cache is not being kept up to date properly then the dashboards become unavailable to Platinum Online.


The cache is kept up to date by a Windows scheduled task on your server/main PC. This is usually set up automatically when you update Platinum. In order to check this is set up properly:

  • Go to your server/main PC.
  • Click [Start] and find " Scheduled Tasks" (if you don't have the Search facility then you should find Scheduled Tasks in the " Control Panel").
  • You should have a scheduled task as follows:
    'Gather Platinum Cache in SXCo1'
    or 'SXCo2', 'SXCo3', etc. for the relevant Platinum company.
    "Run with highest privileges"
    This option needs to be ticked if available
    'Catalyst' (If you are creating a task by hand then to set this you will need to add a new 'Catalyst' folder inside the 'Task Scheduler Library' folder and create the task there.)
    "User account"
    " One time" - After triggered, repeat every '1' hour indefinitely
    " Start a program" - '"C:\Program Files\WebDaemon\WebDaemon.exe" -c1 -b cache-gather -m below-normal'
    or '-c2', '-c3', etc. for the relevant Platinum company.
    if you have Windows 64-bit then the path will be 'Program Files (x86)'
Depeneding on the version of Windows you are running you may not need the Location and User Account
If you do not have the scheduled task(s) set up then downloading and installing a Platinum update on your server will automatically set them up for you, alternatively create them by hand using the details above.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
platinum, online, dashboards, dashboard