How do I take a payment for a hire invoice?

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The following article explains how to take a payment for a booking invoice.

More Information

A booking invoice must be raised for the customer booking before a payment can be taken. Pre-payments are taken as booking deposits.

Taking a Payment

Go to " Booking and Hire Add or Edit Customer Bookings".

  • Search for the customer booking for which you want to take a payment.
    • You can narrow down the search by entering the date of the customer booking at "Date from:" and "to:".
    • Press the [Search] button.
    • Highlight the customer booking on the list for which you want to take a payment.
    • Press the [Edit] button.
  • Once inside "Customer Booking Properties", press the [Payment] button which is located within the "Booking" box.
  • In the "Payment allocation" box, choose the method by which you want to take the payment by pressing the button showing the appropriate method.
If booking deposits have been taken for the customer booking, these will automatically be allocated to this payment. The total of these deposits will be shown next to "Previously paid deposit".
  • If you need a receipt to be printed after taking the payment, tick the "Print receipt?" check box.
  • Press the [Post] button to take the payment.
  • On the "Customer Booking Properties" page, you will see that the value of the "Payments:" and "Balance:" in the "Booking document" box will have changed to reflect the payment that has just been taken.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
Booking, Take, Payment, Deposit, Hire
