What Stock Reports should I run?
This article explains which stock reports are useful to most of our customers and where to find them.
More Information
Using our experience we have grouped together a list of useful reports that are widely used throughout our customer base. This selection of reports is designed to meet most of your needs.
![]() | This is a custom menu so you may add additional reports if required. This article explains the process. |
Go into " Counter Operations Stock Control Reports".
Invoiced Stock Profit-Summary
- This report shows the sales of parts between a date range broken down by Depot, Type (Retail|Internal|Warranty) and Stock Group, detailing the part number and description, Quantity sold, Total price, Average Price Sales Price, FIFO Cost, Profit and Profit Margin as a percentage.
Employee Stock Profit -Summary
- This report shows the sales of parts between a date range broken down by Depot, Employee, Type (Retail|Internal|Warranty) and Stock Group, detailing the part number and description, Quantity sold, Total price, Average Price Sales Price, FIFO Cost, Profit and Profit Margin as a percentage.
Profit Summary (By Stock Group)
- This report shows the sales of parts between a date range broken down by Stock Group, detailing the Quantity Sold, Retail, FIFO Cost, Profit.
Profit Summary (By Employee)
- This report shows the sales of parts between a date range broken down by Employee, detailing the Quantity, Retail, FIFO Cost, Profit and Profit Margin as a percentage.
Valuation at a date - Summary
- This report shows the valuation of stock broken down into stock group, detailing Stock Group and FIFO Cost Value.
Stock Report Generator
The above reports plus additional reports are available in the Stock Report Generator.
- 'MB2 Invoiced Stock Profit - Detailed' - an expanded version of the above summary report.
- 'MB6 Employee Stock Profit - Detailed' - an expanded version of the above summary report.
Maintenance Reports
A selection of maintenance reports to help you keep an eye on the stock file in general. These are all coded 'MA*' and include report such as 'Stock - No Location'.
"NON" Non Sellers For A Given Prd is a useful report to view items which have remained in stock for a period of time.
History Reports
- This option contains a very useful selection of reports and is widely used.
"Stock History" is particularly useful. It is designed to interrogate the Stock History and give you detail of the three types of stock movements:-
- Sales
- Purchase
- Adjustments
![]() | This report can be very useful to find out when an item was booked into stock or trace the sale of an item if you do not have a copy receipt. It is also be very useful to find out how the system is calculating the quantity in stock by looking at all movements. |
For more help running this report click here
"Slowest Moving Stock" and "Fastest Moving Stock" are useful to see which items you may need to focus on e.g. add to a sale to clear old stock or increase stock levels to meet demand.
- You may set a range of quantities to view e.g. to see all items which you have sold more than 10 of in a period or have sold less than 5 of in a period.
- It will default to excluding items with no stock ("Print zero quantities") to ensure you are viewing your stock only.
Order History Reports
- This report shows the history of Sales and Purchase Orders that have been received into stock and subsequently been invoiced received and the order has purged. It will detail everything you need to track the order back to the Goods Received Note and the Stock History.
For more help running this report click here
See also