How do I Create/Amend Stock Labels?

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The following article explains how to modify the layout of your labels to allow you to change the layout of the label and add other details if required.

More Information

Go to " Systems Stock Control Stock Labels Amend Labels".

  • Press <F1> to find the required label in the list or enter the next label code in the sequence to create a new one.
  • Press <Enter> go into the configuration of the label.

General Guidelines on Configuration

There are five pages of information here.

Press <Page-Up> and <Page-Down> to go forward and backward through the pages.

There are three settings important to the positioning and style of the details on a label:

This is the position of the item down the label.
This is the position of the item across the label.

(These two figures are the distance in millimetres from the top left hand corner of the label).

This gives the style of the printing of that line.
This can be set as follows:
  • Normal - This will print the line in the normal size print.
  • Expanded - This will print the line in a large size print and is good for use on prices in particular.
  • Compressed - This will print the line in a small size print and is good for fields that contain a lot of information such as stock descriptions.
  • Enhanced - This will print in bold.
Bear in mind the size of your label when using these styles. Stock descriptions can be thirty characters long and in normal print, this will take up approximately 80 millimetres. If your label is 57 millimetres wide, you will need to make the style 'Compressed' for the whole description to fit.

The main screens that define what is printed on the label are pages 2 and 3, and these are configured as follows:

Configuration Screens

General 2 (Page 2 of 5)

              Line  Col   Style
Text Line 1 :   2    4 Expanded    **** COMPANY NAME ****
          2 :   0    0 Normal
          3 :   0    0 Normal
          4 :   0    0 Normal
          5 :   0    0 Normal
          6 :   0    0 Normal
          7 :   0    0 Normal
          8 :   0    0 Normal
          8 :   0    0 Normal
         10 :   0    0 Normal
  User Date :   0    0 Normal      Format :  N (Numeric/Text)

  • The only line to edit on this screen is "Text Line 1". It is used for the Company name on the label and this should have been entered already.
  • Other lines can be used assuming that there is room on the label to squeeze in the information. Your company telephone number or headings for the information on the next screen can be entered here, and positioned using the "Line" and "Column" values as described earlier.

Stock (Page 3 of 5)

               Line  Col   Style
   Stock Code :   6    4 Normal
 Desc. Line 1 :  10    4 Normal
            2 :   0    0 Normal
            3 :   0    0 Normal
  Short Desc. :   0    0 Normal
     Location :  15    4 Normal
Bar Code Text :   0    0 Normal
     Bar Code :  21    6 Normal      Height :  6       Bar Width : 0.20

                                Price Code                      Inc? Lf
Prices 1 :  15   23 Expanded        Standard Selling Price        Y   N
       2 :   0    0 Normal          Standard Selling Price        Y   N
       3 :   0    0 Normal          Standard Selling Price        N   N
       4 :   0    0 Normal          Standard Selling Price        N   N
       5 :   0    0 Normal          Standard Selling Price        N   N

The default settings include the following items:

Stock code
Position and style of Stock Code.
Desc. Line 1 -> 3
Description position and style.
Stock location.
Position and style of Location.
Bar Code Text
The bar code has extra fields for "Height" and "Bar Width". These allow you to configure the size of the bar code on the label. You should try and make the bar code as small as can easily be read by your barcode scanner.
The price also has extra fields headed "Inc?" and "Lft?". The "Inc?" field can be either 'Y(es)' or 'N(o)' depending on whether you want the price to be inclusive (Yes) or exclusive (No) of V.A.T.
  • The "Lft?" option allows you to align the price either to the left or to the right. The price field is always a fixed length, whether the actual price is £0.50 or £500.00, and this setting allows you to line up either the start of the price 'Y(es)' or the end of the price 'N(o)'.

These items can be edited, added and removed as required using the guidelines above.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
Stock, Barcode, parts, labels, amend