How do I add items to my ecommerce website?

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This article explains how to add stock items to your website.

This article is only applicable to users who have a Catalyst Platinum O+ ecommerce store. If you are interested in advertising your stock on-line please Contact your Platinum dealer or our sales team on 0116 230 1500 or by using our website sales contact page for more information

More Information

Go to " Reports & Settings Maintenance Options Platinum O and Catalyst FindIt Platinum O+ Site Maintenance".

  • From here you design how the product pages or categories will be arranged on your website and what stock items will be available in each category.

Adding a New Page or Category

  1. For the first time using this program an empty new page will automatically be created for you; skip to step 3. Otherwise: Click on the 'Page' heading under which you want to create a new page. The current list of "Pages" is shown on the left of your screen.
  2. Click [Add] or Press <F6> to create a new page.
  3. Enter the name of the page in the "Page title" field.
  4. If you wish to show text at the top of this page enter it into the "Sales text" box.
You can use HTML tags to enhance the look of this text. Click here to see a list of tags you can use.
  1. If you wish to add an image to this page :
    1. Click the [Media] tab.
    2. Click the [Add File].
    3. Choose " Image Files".
    4. Navigate to the location of your images.
This location will be remembered for the next time you want to add an image.Always put your images to add to Platinum in one location.
    1. Select if you want to [Move] or [Copy] the image (This will be remembered for next time). If you choose [Move], the original photo file will be deleted.
    2. Choose the image (You can select the Thumbnails option to list the images in this location).
  1. If you choose not to add an image to this page then it will default to the 'NoImage' image on the website.
  2. Click [Done] and [Accept] to save this new page into your website configuration.
  1. If you want to move where this page will appear in your website's navigation select the page from the "Pages" list on the left :
    • Click the [Up] or [Down] arrows to change the order of the "Pages".
    • Click the [Left] or [Right] arrows to move this page to be a sub-category of another page.
    • The indentation of these "Pages" identify if a page is a sub-category of another page.
If an image is added to a page, this same image will be shown against any items added to the page that does not have an image stored. It is a good idea to add a note to your terms & conditions on your website.
For more details click here.

Adding Items to a Page

  1. Select the 'Page' you wish to add items to.
  2. Click the "Items" tab.
  3. You can search for the items you wish to add to this page by using any or all of the following options:
    1. Stock Codes beginning with characters.
      • Enter at least the first character of a stock code into the "Code starts with" field and click [Apply] or press <Enter> to search.
    2. Stock Descriptions containing characters.
      • Enter the characters to search for into the "Description contains" field and click [Apply] or press <Enter> to search.
    3. Items supplied by a specific supplier.
      • Enter the supplier's account code or search in the "Supplied by" field and click [Apply] or press <Enter> to search.
  4. The matching items will be shown in the left-hand list.
    1. To add an item to the page, select it in the left-hand list then click [->] or press <F6>.
    2. To add all the listed items to the page, click [>>] or press <Shift+F6>.
  5. Click [Done] and [Accept] to save the new details into your website configuration.

E-commerce export configuration

If you intend to export the products for E-commerce e.g. exporting to eBay, you may enter specific information per item.

Export headings, created by following this article and allocated the page via the [Attributes] tab, will appear to the right of your screen under the "E-commerce" section.

  • To amend the details shown select an item then click [Edit].
  • Amend the details per heading shown.
  • Click [Done] and [Accept].
The default value for each heading will be applied unless you specify a value.

Deleting a Page

  1. Select the 'Page' from the "Pages" list on the left.
  2. Click [Remove] or Press <F10>.
  3. Press [Yes] to delete this page.

Updating your Website

  1. Click [Done] and [Accept], if required, to save any changes you have made to the current page/category.
  2. Click the [Upload] button at the top of the window to upload your changes to our data server.

You can view your Platinum O+ website almost straight away, you may have to wait a few moments for the details to appear. If you have a third-party website you may have to wait until its daily "datafeed" update, which usually happens overnight.

Viewing your Website

If you have a Platinum O+ website you can view it by:

  1. Go to " Reports & Settings Maintenance Options Platinum O and Catalyst FindIt Add or Edit News and Content". This will take you to your on-line control panel.
  2. From there, click [View My Website].

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
platinum online, website, e-commerce, ecommerce, add, items, add items, stock to web, parts to web, parts onto website, link to website, ebay, platinum o