How do I deal with fitted options on units?

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This article explains how deal with fitting parts and units to a unit e.g. accessory packs, awnings, buckets etc.

More Information

When ordering and selling units you may choose to order additional items which you will fit to the unit. You may also fit smaller units to larger units. In each case you would need to account for the labour time to carry out the work and include the costs of the items/units against the unit being sold.

The process to follow depends on whether the items arrive pre-fitted or are to be fitted by your technicians.


Pre-fitted options may be allocated to units which are not yet classed as In stock.

  • Go to " Unit Sales Add or Edit Units"
  • Create a new unit record or search for the unit to allocate the pre-fitted options to.
The unit status must be a non-stock status to enable the option to allocate pre-fitted options.
  • Once you have completed the unit details select the [Fitted Options] tab.
  • Click [Add].
  • Select the "Type" of item: 'Unit' or 'Stock'.
  • Enter the "Unit" code or "Stock code".
You may use <Ctrl+F1> to search for a code.
  • Enter the "Quantity".
  • Enter a "Description" if you wish.
  • Click [Done] and [Accept].
  • Repeat to list each item then click [Done] and [Accept] to save the unit record.
Each item creates an expense record against the unit to account for the cost of each fitted item. When posting your unit invoice to the Purchase Ledger you should split your invoice between Unit Accruals and Expense Accruals to account for the nett cost of the Unit and nett cost of the fitted options.


If you have ordered items to be fitted please ensure you book these into stock prior to listing them on the workshop job.
  • Create an internal workshop job using the relevant PDI/Preparation account to charge the work to.
For standard systems the account to use will be 'INT001' or 'INT002'.
  • To fit stock items, add the stock codes to the [Invoice] tab.
    • Enter the "Stock Code"
    • Enter the "Quantity" to fit.
    • On the right hand side of the screen, ensure "Fitted" is set to 'Yes'.
    • Click [Done].
  • Repeat to add each item to be fitted to the stock unit.
  • To fit a unit to the stock unit, select the [Fitted Units] tab.
    • Click [Add].
    • Enter the stock number of the "Unit" to fit. You may press <Ctrl+F1> to search for a unit.
    • You may enter a description which will be added to the notes on the expense record.
    • Click [Done].
  • When the work is carried out, book any additional parts and labour to the job following your usual method.
  • Once complete, produce the invoice and mark the job as paid with the default payment method as set on the internal account.
The items and units which have been fitted will be listed on the [Fitted Options] tab on the sale unit. The costs of each will be listed as expenses against the sale unit. In the case of a unit being fitted, there will be a negative expenses record posted to that unit to allocate its' cost against the sale unit.
When invoiced these costs will be posted to the Profit & Loss along with the cost of the unit itself.

Removing Fitted Items

To remove a fitted item from a unit, repeat the steps above but enter the item quantity as a negative value.

  • Allocate the labour time taken to remove the items from the sale unit.
  • Process and invoice the job as usual.
  • Stock codes will be booked back into stock so should be located in your stores. If you intend to return them to a supplier you should create and process a returns order.

Removing Fitted Units

To remove a fitted unit from a unit, repeat the steps above but enter the quantity as '-1' .

  • Allocate the labour time taken to remove the unit from the sale unit.
  • Process and invoice the job as usual.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
fitted items, fitted extras, options, option packs, units, wholegoods, remove fitted, choices