Platinum Dates

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This article explains the special functions available when on a date field in Platinum that allow you to enter dates as quickly and efficiently as possible

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Short Cut Keys

Dates in Platinum have special keys available when you are accepting them.

  • <=> - Enter today's date.
  • <-> - Previous day to the date already entered (today's date if the date is blank).
  • <+> - Next day to the date already entered (today's date if the date is blank).
  • <M> - First day of the month of the date already entered (today's date if the date is blank).
  • <H> - Last day of the month of the date already entered (today's date if the date is blank).
  • <Y> - First day of the year of the date already entered (today's date if the date is blank).
  • <R> - Last day of the year of the date already entered (today's date if the date is blank).
  • <W> - The Monday (Beginning) of this week of the date already entered (today's date if the date is blank).
  • <K> - The Sunday (End) of this week of the date already entered (today's date if the date is blank).

Functions Available

  • If you press the <Enter> key on a blank date, the user date will be used and accepted.
  • If you press the <F1> key the system date will be used and accepted.
  • The calendar/date calculator is available by pressing the <Shift+F2> key.
  • Pressing <Ctrl+F2> will blank out the date.

Hints and Tips

  • If you enter a day beyond the end of the month then it will be automatically substituted with the last day of that month. e.g. '31/06/2017' will be converted to '30/06/2017'.
  • The month and year elements of the date will be filled in if you leave them blank. e.g. If the year is 2017 and you enter 30/06, the date entered would be '30/06/2017'.
  • You may use any of these separators '-', '/', '\' and '.' to separate the different elements of the date.
  • Using the above key combinations allows you encode date calculations in macros. Your auto-run macro reports can calculate date ranges relative to today/the current month or year etc.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
date, entry, dates, shortcut